Disable Lock screen in windows 10

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Disable Lock screen in windows 10 © Disable Lock screen in windows 10

To disable the lock screen you need to make some changes in your registry  

Note: As always when editing your registry, there is a chance that your OS can fail if the exact steps are not followed  Before beginning, make sure you create a full backup of your pc

  1. Right click the Start button
  2. Click Search
  3. Type regedit and hit Enter on your keyboard
  4. Double click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
  5. Double click SOFTWARE
  6. Double click Policies
  7. Double click Microsoft
  8. Right click Windows
  9. Click New
  10. Click Key
  11. Type Personalization and hit Enter on your keyboard
  12. Right click the Personalization key you just created
  13. Click New
  14. Click DWORD (32 bit) Value
  15. Type NoLockScreen and hit Enter on your keyboard
  16. Double click the NoLockScreen DWORD you just created
  17. Type 1 in the Value data field
  18. Click OK

To re enable the lock screen, change the DWORD value back to 0

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