Print Title/ Repeat Rows In Multiple Sheets At Once In Excel

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Print Title/ Repeat Rows In Multiple Sheets At Once In Excel © Print Title/ Repeat Rows In Multiple Sheets At Once In Excel

My greetings to all of you. Welcome to my channel M Tech Ridge. Today we will talk about how to print title in multiple sheets in excel. Means how to repeat top rows.

  1. First open the excel file in which the title is to be printed.
  2. Open Visual Basic for applications by pressing ALT+F11.

3. Now goto insert menu and open Module.

4. Now VBA Code. Before copy VBA code in this module window lets learn something about it.

Sub Print_Row_Grouped()

   Dim oSheet As Worksheet

      For Each oSheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets

         oSheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = "$1:$1"


End Sub

in this code $1:$1 is range of rows to be repeated. This means it will print first one row. If you wish to print more rows than change in it. Eg: if you wish to repeat 2 rows than make it :


5. Now run the code and check print preview. you will see print title applied on all sheets.

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