Increase Graphic video memory windows 10

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Increase Graphic video memory windows 10 © Increase Graphic video memory windows 10
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What Is Dedicated Video RAM?

Video RAM (or VRAM, pronounced “VEE-ram”) is a special type of RAM that works with your computer’s graphics processing unit, or GPU.

The GPU is a chip on your computer’s graphics card (or video card) that’s responsible for displaying images on your screen. Though technically incorrect, the terms GPU and graphics card are often used interchangeably.

Your video RAM holds information that the GPU needs, including game textures and lighting effects. This allows the GPU to quickly access the info and output video to your monitor.

Using video RAM for this task is much faster than using your system RAM, because video RAM is right next to the GPU in the graphics card. VRAM is built for this high-intensity purpose and it’s thus “dedicated.”

Video RAM (or VRAM, pronounced “VEE-ram”) is a special type of RAM that works with your computer’s graphics processing unit, or GPU.

Increase Memory:

You can easily view the amount of video RAM you have in Windows 10 by following these steps:

  1. Open the Settings menu by pressing Windows Key + I.
  2. Select the System entry, then click Display on the left sidebar.
  3. Scroll down and click the Advanced display settings text.
  4. On the resulting menu, select the monitor you’d like to view settings for (if necessary). Then click the Display adapter properties text at the bottom.
  5. In a new window, you’ll see your current video RAM listed next to Dedicated Video Memory.

Increase VRAM in the REGISTRY

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