Daily Exam Programmer 10-07-2024

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Q 1:

DML is provided for

(1) Description of logical structure of database
(2) Addition of new structures in the database system
(3) Manipulation & processing of database
(4) Definition of physical structure of database system
Correct Answer: Manipulation & processing of database

Q 2: A transaction file stores
(1) Data that rarely changes
(2) Data that never changes
(3) Data that frequently changes
(4) Data that is erroneous
Correct Answer: Data that frequently changes

Q 3: Relations produced from an E-R model will always be in
(1) First normal form
(2) Second normal form
(3) Third normal form
(4) Fourth Normal Form
Correct Answer: First normal form

Q 4: A PL/SQL block can return data to SQL * plus through
(1) bind variables
(2) Subsctitution variables
(3) local variables
(4) none
Correct Answer: bind variables

Q 5: Which one is not advantage of stored procedure
(1) Increases network traffic
(2) Allows code sharing
(3) Greater security
(4) Optimise DBMS
Correct Answer: Increases network traffic

Q 6: Which of the following is reliable communication
(1) IP
(2) UPD
(3) UDP
(4) TCP
Correct Answer: TCP

Q 7: Multi point topology is 
(1) Bus
(2) Star
(3) Mesh
(4) Ring
Correct Answer: Bus

Q 8: DHCP is used for
(1) IPv4
(2) IPv6
(3) Both
(4) None
Correct Answer: Both

Q 9: Data encryption
(1) is mostly used by public networks
(2) is not necessary, since data cannot be intercepted
(3) is mostly used by financial networks
(4) none
Correct Answer: is mostly used by financial networks

Q 10: Which one of the following is not a client-server application?
(1) Internet chat
(2) Web browsing
(3) E-mail
(4) Ping
Correct Answer: Ping