Daily Exam Programmer 04-07-2024

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Q 1: To prevent any method from overriding, we declare the method  as,
(1) static
(2) const
(3) final
(4) abstract
Correct Answer: final

Q 2: Which is not a valid operator in Java?
(1) <>
(2) !=
(3) =>
(4) <=
Correct Answer: <>

Q 3: Java server page is an extension of
(1) html
(2) xml
(3) xhtml
(4) java servlet
Correct Answer: java servlet

Q 4: Design phase will usually be
(1) Top-down
(2) Bottom-up
(3) Random
(4) Centre fringing
Correct Answer: Top-down

Q 5: Referencing a JAD session, which person usually attends the sessions only at the very beginning or at the end
(1) JAD session leader
(2) Scribe
(3) Manager
(4) Sponsor
Correct Answer: Sponsor

Q 6: Class C lies between
(1) 0-127
(2) 128-191
(3) 192-223
(4) None
Correct Answer: 192-223

Q 7: The cryptography, order of the letters in a message is rearranged by
(1) transpositional ciphers
(2) substitution ciphers
(3) transpositional ciphers and substitution ciphers
(4) none
Correct Answer: transpositional ciphers

Q 8: Which is not a function of data link layer
(1) Framing
(2) Flow control
(3) Singnal encoding
(4) Error control
Correct Answer: Singnal encoding

Q 9:

Which of the following relational calculus expression is not safe?

(1) a
(2) b
(3) c
(4) d
Correct Answer: c

Q 10:

Transaction timestamp is

(1) Not uniuqe for each transaction
(2) Larger for older transaction
(3) Unique idenditier assigned for each transaction
(4) None
Correct Answer: Unique idenditier assigned for each transaction