Daily Exam Programmer (2023) 20-06-2024

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Q 1: Fifth normal form is also called
(1) Protect-join normal form
(2) Process-join nirmal form
(3) Project-join normal form
(4) None
Correct Answer: Project-join normal form

Q 2: A Trigger can be defined on how many tables
(1) Only one
(2) one of more
(3) one to three
(4) Any number of tables
Correct Answer: Only one

Q 3: Locks which are placed by DBMS are called
(1) Shared locks
(2) Exclusive locks
(3) Implicit locks
(4) Explicit locks
Correct Answer: Implicit locks

Q 4: Which type of condition join should you use if you want to return only matched rows?
(1) Inner join
(2) Left Outer Join
(3) Right Outer Join
(4) Full Outer Join
Correct Answer: Inner join

Q 5:

What is the result of the following query?


(1) 3.5
(2) 3.0
(3) 4.0
(4) 3.7
Correct Answer: 3.7

Q 6: Ethernet when Manchester encoding is used, the bit rate is:
(1) Half the boud rate
(2) Twice the boud rate
(3) Same as the boud rate
(4) None
Correct Answer: Half the boud rate

Q 7: Full form of MAC address
(1) Machine Access Coding Address
(2) Mode Access Coding Address
(3) Machine Access Control Address
(4) Media Access Control Address
Correct Answer: Media Access Control Address

Q 8: address lies in which class
(1) A
(2) B
(3) D
(4) E
Correct Answer: A

Q 9: Which of the following protocol is used for transferring electronic mail messages from one machine to another
(1) FTP
(2) RPC
(3) SMTP
(4) SNMP
Correct Answer: SMTP

Q 10: Which of the following is no an analog-to-analog conversion
(1) AM
(2) PM
(3) FM
(4) QAM
Correct Answer: QAM