Daily Exam Programmer 03-09-2024

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Q 1:

Which of the following statement is valid array declaration?

  1. int number();
  2. float average[];
  3. double[] marks;
  4. counter int[];
(1) 1 and 2
(2) 2 and 3
(3) 3 and 4
(4) All of the above
Correct Answer: 2 and 3

Q 2: Private data can be accessed by
(1) Class member functions
(2) Functions in derived classes
(3) Public Classes
(4) Both 1 and 2
Correct Answer: Class member functions

Q 3: Which header file is required to use file I/O operation
(1) ifstream
(2) ostream
(3) fstream
(4) iostream
Correct Answer: fstream

Q 4: A query operation on a object
(1) has no side effects
(2) changes the state of an object
(3) is not allowed
(4) has side effects
Correct Answer: has no side effects

Q 5: Which one is a quality attribute?
(1) Reliability
(2) Availability
(3) Security
(4) All of the above
Correct Answer: Reliability

Q 6: Which of the following is faster and consume lesser memory?
(1) SQLDataReader
(2) DataSet
(3) Both
(4) None of the above
Correct Answer: SQLDataReader

Q 7: ................. refers to the number of subordinate modules controlled by a ccalling module.
(1) Span of control
(2) Coupling
(3) Cohesion
(4) Integration
Correct Answer: Span of control

Q 8: Which one the following is not a form of decision table?
(1) Limited-Entry
(2) Extended - Entry
(3) Mixed - Entry
(4) Double - Entry
Correct Answer: Double - Entry

Q 9: The simplest type of switching fabric is the.............. switch
(1) Crosspoint
(2) crossbar
(3) TSI
(4) STS
Correct Answer: crossbar

Q 10: WPA 2 is used for security in
(1) bluetooth
(2) Ethernet
(3) Both 1 and 2
(4) Wi-Fi
Correct Answer: Wi-Fi