Daily Exam Programmer 02-09-2024

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Q 1:

Associate Potential Risk Conditions Associated With Each Knowledge Area

Knowledge Area

Risk Conditions
Poor resource allocation
Poor definition of scope
Early release of competitive products
Inadequate productivity

(1) 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D
(2) 1-A, 2-D, 3-C, 4-B
(3) 1-C, 2-B, 3-A, 4-D
(4) 1-C, 2-D, 3-A, 4-B
Correct Answer: 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D

Q 2: Which of the following is not considered as a tool at the system design phase?
(1) Pie Chart
(2) Data FLow Diagram
(3) Systems Flowchart
(4) Decision Table
Correct Answer: Pie Chart

Q 3: Which UML diagram that adds the dimension of time to object interactions?
(1) Communication Diagram
(2) Interaction Overview Diagram
(3) Composite Structure Diagram
(4) Sequence Diagram
Correct Answer: Sequence Diagram

Q 4: In function point analysis, the number of complexity adjustment factors is
(1) 10
(2) 20
(3) 14
(4) 12
Correct Answer: 14

Q 5: Base class for LINQ to SQL is
(1) DataContext
(2) DataSet
(3) Data.SqlClient
(4) None of the above
Correct Answer: DataContext

Q 6: Which of the following is the method provided by DataSet object to generate XML?
(1) ReadXML
(2) WriteXML
(3) GetXML
(4) All of the above
Correct Answer: All of the above

Q 7: Common type system is built into which of the following
(1) CLR
(2) RCT
(3) RCW
(4) GAC
Correct Answer: CLR

Q 8: Object Oriented Inheritance models the
(1) "is a kind of" relationship
(2) "has a" relationship
(3) "want to be" relationship
(4) "contains" of relationship
Correct Answer: "is a kind of" relationship

Q 9:

What does the following line of code do?

Textfield text= new Textfield (10)

(1) Creates text object that can hold 10 columns of text
(2) Creates text object that can hold 10 rows of text
(3) Creates text object text and initializes it with the value 10
(4) The code is illegal
Correct Answer: Creates text object that can hold 10 columns of text

Q 10: Every method of a ................ is implicitly final
(1) static class
(2) dynamic class
(3) final class
(4) abstract class
Correct Answer: final class