Daily Exam Programmer 28-08-2024

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Q 1: The.................. is a group of attributes used to identify a single entity instance.
(1) Candidate key
(2) Concatenated key
(3) Alternate key
(4) Primary key
Correct Answer: Concatenated key

Q 2: Which of the following is true for two-phase locking?
(1) Lock acquisition is the second phase
(2) Locks are acquired in the first phase
(3) Locks can be acquired at any time
(4) None of the above
Correct Answer: Locks are acquired in the first phase

Q 3: The persist timer is used in TCP to
(1) To detect crashes from the other end of the connection
(2) To timeout FIN_Wait1 condition
(3) To enable retransmission
(4) To avoid deadlock condition
Correct Answer: To avoid deadlock condition

Q 4: When a signal travels through a transmission medium, its power becomes 100 times. Then there would be power
(1) Gain of 100
(2) Loss of 100
(3) Gain of 20 dB
(4) Loss of 20 dB
Correct Answer: Gain of 20 dB

Q 5: In HTTP, ............... server is computer that keeps copies of responses to recent requests
(1) a regular
(2) a proxy
(3) an auxiliary
(4) a remote
Correct Answer: a proxy

Q 6: Design patterns are
(1) Generic problems
(2) Generic solutions to recurring problems
(3) Both 1 and 2
(4) None of the above
Correct Answer: None of the above

Q 7: The full form of BPMN that is used for defining workflows?
(1) Business Process Management Notation
(2) Business Process Management Network
(3) Business Process Modeling Notation
(4) Business Process Modeling Network
Correct Answer: Business Process Modeling Notation

Q 8: What is loads and executes at client side in internet?
(1) Object
(2) Class
(3) JSP
(4) Applet
Correct Answer: Applet

Q 9:

When base class is derived in protected mode, then..............

  1. Public members of the base class become private members of derived class
  2. Public members of the base class become protected members of derived class
  3. Public members of the base class become public members of derived class
  4. Protected members of the base class become protected members of derived class
  5. Protected members of the base class become private members of derived class
  6. Protected members of the base class become public members of derived class

(1) 1,6
(2) 1,5
(3) 2,6
(4) 2,4
Correct Answer: 2,4

Q 10:

What is the output of this program?

class sample



int var;


void input()




void output()


cout<<"Variable entered is";




void main()


sample object;





(1) Runtime error
(2) Varible entered is 5
(3) Error
(4) None of the mentioned
Correct Answer: Error