Daily Exam Programmer Paper II

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Q 1:

When a child class inherits from more than one parent class, this type of inheritance is called .............. inheritance.

(1) Hybrid
(2) Hierarchical
(3) Multilevel
(4) Multiple
Correct Answer: Multiple

Q 2: Private data can be accessed by
(1) Class member functions
(2) Functions in derived classes
(3) Public classes
(4) Both (a) and (b)
Correct Answer: Class member functions

Q 3: Which of the following method is a static in java.lang.Thread?
(1) run()
(2) sleep(long)
(3) Start()
(4) join()
Correct Answer: sleep(long)

Q 4: Which of the following is a character stream?
(1) FileInputStream
(2) DataInputStream
(3) BufferedInputStream
(4) FileReader
Correct Answer: FileReader

Q 5:

Which of the following denote ways to manage state in an ASP.Net Application?

(1) Session objects
(2) Application objects
(3) ViewState
(4) All of these
Correct Answer: All of these

Q 6: Which of the following is the method provided by the DataSet object to generate XML?
(1) ReadXML
(2) WriteXML
(3) GetXML
(4) All of these
Correct Answer: All of these

Q 7: ................. error arises due to incorrect use of syntex.
(1) Compile time error
(2) Linking error
(3) Run time error
(4) Inpur error
Correct Answer: Compile time error

Q 8: What is the bit size of int in java?
(1) 8
(2) 16
(3) 32
(4) 64
Correct Answer: 32

Q 9: What is the extension name of a Java source code file?
(1) .java
(2) .obj
(3) .class
(4) .exe
Correct Answer: .java

Q 10: In visual programming, the icons are the ........... image of an object.
(1) physical
(2) logical
(3) both (a) and (b)
(4) None of the above
Correct Answer: both (a) and (b)

Q 11: Which is not an attribute of cookie property?
(1) path
(2) host
(3) secure
(4) domain
Correct Answer: host

Q 12: Unicode character set in java contains
(1) 20 bits
(2) 32 bits
(3) 64 bits
(4) 16 bits
Correct Answer: 16 bits

Q 13: int occupies .............. bytes in java.
(1) 2
(2) 4
(3) 8
(4) 10
Correct Answer: 4

Q 14: Which of the following is not supported by C++?
(1) Automatic garbage Collection
(2) Multiple Inheritance
(3) Smart Pointer
(4) Virtual Destructor
Correct Answer: Automatic garbage Collection

Q 15: What are the Activation modes for .NET Remoting?
(1) Singleton
(2) Singlecall
(3) Both
(4) None
Correct Answer: Both

Q 16: What is the root namespace for all types?
(1) Root
(2) System
(3) Parent
(4) Web
Correct Answer: System

Q 17: How dows ASP.NET store SessionIDs by default?
(1) In cache
(2) In cookies
(3) In a global variable
(4) In URL string or in a database
Correct Answer: In cookies

Q 18: What is the maximum size of query string?
(1) 384 bytes
(2) 128 bytes
(3) 255 bytes
(4) 512 bytes
Correct Answer: 255 bytes

Q 19:

Which of the item listed below is not one of the software engineering layers?

(1) Process
(2) Manufacturing
(3) Methods
(4) Tools
Correct Answer: Manufacturing

Q 20: The first step in designing a system with structured design is to identify which process are internal to the system. This is done with a(n)
(1) Function list
(2) Event table
(3) Automation system boundary
(4) Use case diagram
Correct Answer: Automation system boundary

Q 21: Which of the following is not a traditional method of collecting system requirements?
(1) Interviewing
(2) RAD
(3) Observations
(4) Documents analysis
Correct Answer: RAD

Q 22: Which cohesion determines the elements are all executed at the same time?
(1) Functional cohesion
(2) Sequential cohesion
(3) Temporal cohesion
(4) Logical cohesion
Correct Answer: Temporal cohesion

Q 23:

The two classifications of inputs are

(1) Maintenance and waste
(2) Products and waste
(3) Maintenance and signal
(4) Energies and maintainance
Correct Answer: Maintenance and signal

Q 24: The .................. symbol is used in a flowchart to represent a calculation task
(1) Inpur
(2) Start
(3) Output
(4) Process
Correct Answer: Process

Q 25: SRS document is for
(1) "What" of a system?
(2) Casting and scheduling of a system
(3) How to design the system?
(4) System requirement.
Correct Answer: "What" of a system?

Q 26: APIs stand for:
(1) Application performance interface
(2) Application programming interface
(3) Application programming integration
(4) Application performance integration
Correct Answer: Application programming interface

Q 27: Estimation of software development effort for organic software is COCOMO is
(1) E = 2.4(KLOC) 1.05 PM
(2) E = 3.4(KLOC) 1.06 PM
(3) E = 2.0(KLOC) 1.05 PM
(4) E = 2.4(KLOC) 1.07 PM
Correct Answer: E = 2.4(KLOC) 1.05 PM

Q 28: In transform analysis, input portion is called:
(1) Afferent branch
(2) Efferent branch
(3) Central branch
(4) None of the above
Correct Answer: Afferent branch

Q 29:

System Development Live-cycle has following stages :

I :   Requirement analysis

II:   Coding

III.  Design

IV:  Testing

Which option describes the correct sequence of stages?

(1) III, I, IV, II
(2) II, III, I, IV
(3) I, III, IV, II
(4) None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

Q 30: Which one of the following ISO standard is used for software process?
(1) ISO 9001
(2) ISO 9000
(3) ISO 9003
(4) ISO 9000-3
Correct Answer: ISO 9000-3

Q 31: In a software project, COCOMO (Constructive Cost Model) is used to estimate
(1) Effort and duration based on the size of the software
(2) Effort and cost based on the duration of the software
(3) Size and duration based on the effort of the software
(4) Size, effort and duration based on the cost of the software
Correct Answer: Effort and duration based on the size of the software

Q 32: CMM level 1 has
(1) 6 KPAs
(2) 2 KPAs
(3) 0 KPAs
(4) None of the above
Correct Answer: 0 KPAs

Q 33: For a function of n variables, boundary value analysis yields :
(1) 4n + 3 test cases
(2) 4n + 1 test cases
(3) n + 4 test cases
(4) None of the above
Correct Answer: 4n + 1 test cases

Q 34: FAN IN of a component A is defined as
(1) Number of components that can call or pass control to component A
(2) Number of components that are called by component A.
(3) Number of components related to component A.
(4) Number of components dependent on component A.
Correct Answer: Number of components that can call or pass control to component A

Q 35: ..................... refers to the discrepancy among a computed, observed or measured value and the true specified or theoretically correct values.
(1) Defect
(2) Fault
(3) Failure
(4) Error
Correct Answer: Error

Q 36: Regression testing is primarily related to
(1) Functional testing
(2) Development testing
(3) Data flow testing
(4) Maintenance testing
Correct Answer: Maintenance testing

Q 37: Data structure suitable for the application is discussed in
(1) data design
(2) procedural design
(3) architectural design
(4) interface design
Correct Answer: data design

Q 38: Software Engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with :
(1) how computer system work.
(2) theories and methods that underlie computers and software systems.
(3) all aspect of software producation
(4) all aspects of computer based systems development, including hardware, software and process engineering.
Correct Answer: all aspect of software producation

Q 39: A software system crashed 20 times in the year 2017 and for each crash, it took 2 minutes to restart. Approximately, what was the software availability in that year?
(1) 96.9924%
(2) 97.9924%
(3) 98.9924%
(4) 99.9924%
Correct Answer: 99.9924%

Q 40: A software design pattern often used to restrict access to an object is :
(1) adapter
(2) decorator
(3) delegation
(4) proxy
Correct Answer: proxy

Q 41: Which of the following JSP variables are not available within a JASP expression?
(1) out
(2) session
(3) request
(4) httpsession
Correct Answer: httpsession

Q 42: In prototyping
(1) COBOL is used
(2) 4GLs are used
(3) system is documented
(4) None of the above
Correct Answer: 4GLs are used

Q 43: In Java, a character constant's value is its integer value in the ................character set.
(2) Unicode
(4) Binary
Correct Answer: Unicode

Q 44: Which one is not a valid operator in Java?
(1) <>
(2) !=
(3) =>
(4) <=
Correct Answer: <>

Q 45: Which of the following escape sequences represents carriage return?
(1) \n
(2) \r
(3) \\
(4) \c
Correct Answer: \r

Q 46: Which of the following features is available in JAVA?
(1) Applets
(2) Swings
(3) Both of the avove
(4) None of the above
Correct Answer: Both of the avove

Q 47: In C++, 14%4 equals to :
(1) 1
(2) 2
(3) 3
(4) 4
Correct Answer: 2

Q 48: C++ was originally developed by :
(1) Nicolas Wirth
(2) Donalt Knuth
(3) Bjarni Stroustrup
(4) Ken Thompson
Correct Answer: Bjarni Stroustrup

Q 49: How to declare a class which has fields that are not serializable?
(1) Public
(2) Private
(3) Protected
(4) Transient
Correct Answer: Transient

Q 50: In C++, a destructor takes :
(1) One argument
(2) Two arguments
(3) Three arguments
(4) Zero arguments
Correct Answer: Zero arguments

Q 51: How many types of polymorphisms are supported by C++?
(1) 1
(2) 3
(3) 2
(4) 4
Correct Answer: 2

Q 52: .................. is the OOP feature and mechanism that binds together code and the data it manipulates, and keeps both safe from outside world.
(1) Data Storing
(2) Data Encapsulation
(3) Data Binding
(4) Data Abstraction
Correct Answer: Data Encapsulation

Q 53:

Which of the following is not a file opening mode?

(1) ios::out
(2) ios::in
(3) ios::app
(4) ios::truncate
Correct Answer: ios::truncate

Q 54: When a child class function is called, the compiler looks first for matching function name in the .................
(1) Class of the object using the function name
(2) Immediate ancestor class
(3) Base class
(4) Descendant class
Correct Answer: Class of the object using the function name

Q 55:

Generic point can be declared with .............

(1) auto
(2) void
(3) static
(4) None of these
Correct Answer: void

Q 56: Delete operator is used
(1) To allocate storage
(2) to deallocate storage
(3) To delete variable name
(4) None of the above are correct
Correct Answer: None of the above are correct

Q 57:

Dynamic memory can be allocated by the following declaration

(1) new
(2) volatile
(3) static
(4) ==
Correct Answer: new

Q 58:

What is the output of this program?

(1) 10
(2) 5
(3) 15
(4) Address of b
Correct Answer: Address of b

Q 59: C++ is a
(1) Top down programming approach
(2) Procedurally oriented approach
(3) Bottom-up programming approach
(4) None of these
Correct Answer: Bottom-up programming approach

Q 60: A variable declares as private can be directly accessed by
(1) Objects
(2) Through a member function
(3) Through another private member
(4) None of these
Correct Answer: Through a member function

Q 61: In CPP, cin and count are the predefined stream ....................
(1) Operator
(2) Functions
(3) Objects
(4) Data types
Correct Answer: Objects

Q 62: Which of these is super class of all exceptional type classes?
(1) String
(2) Runtime exception
(3) Throwable
(4) Cachable
Correct Answer: Throwable

Q 63: Which of this access specifier can be used for a class so that it's members can be accessed by a different class in the same package?
(1) Public
(2) Protected
(3) No modifier
(4) All of the mentioned
Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

Q 64: Which of the following is incorrect statement about packages?
(1) All variables in interface are implicitly final and static
(2) Interfaces are specified public if they are to be accessed by any code in the program
(3) Interfaces specify what class must do but not how it does
(4) All variables are static and methods are public if interface is defined public
Correct Answer: All variables are static and methods are public if interface is defined public

Q 65:

Execute statement, we invoke the method.

(1) executeUpdate method
(2) executeRel method
(3) executeStmt method
(4) executeConn method
Correct Answer: executeUpdate method

Q 66: Which of these interfaces is implemented by thread class?
(1) Runnable
(2) Map connections
(3) Set
(4) Connections
Correct Answer: Runnable

Q 67: Which of these method of trade class is used to suspend a trade for a period of time?
(1) sleep()
(2) stop()
(3) suspend()
(4) terminate()
Correct Answer: sleep()

Q 68: What will happen if two thread of same priority are called to be processed simultaneously?
(1) Both of them will be executed simultaneously
(2) Anyone will be executed first lexographically
(3) Name of dam will be executed
(4) It is dependent on the operating system
Correct Answer: It is dependent on the operating system

Q 69: Which of these is necessary to specify at time of array initialization?
(1) Row
(2) Column
(3) Both row and column
(4) None of the above
Correct Answer: Row

Q 70:

Which of the following are interface? 

1. ServletContext

2. Servlet

3. Generic servlet

4. HttpServlet

(1) 1,3,4
(2) 1,2
(3) 1,2,3,4
(4) 1,4
Correct Answer: 1,2

Q 71: Which of the following are the valid scops in JSP.
(1) Request, page, session, application
(2) Response, page, session, application
(3) Request, page, session, global
(4) Request, page, context, application
Correct Answer: Request, page, session, application

Q 72: Every method of a ...................... is Implicitly final.
(1) Static class
(2) Dynamic class
(3) Final class
(4) Abstract class
Correct Answer: Final class

Q 73: What is the range of the char type?
(1) 0 to 215
(2) 0 to 216
(3) 0 to 32767
(4) 0 to 65535
Correct Answer: 0 to 65535

Q 74: The development of a/an ............ Is a key step in solving a problem.
(1) Structure
(2) Program
(3) Algorithm
(4) None of these
Correct Answer: Algorithm

Q 75: Java is a ........... Language. This means that you must explicit about what type of data you are working with
(1) loosely typed
(2) strongly typed
(3) dynamically typed
(4) weakly typed
Correct Answer: strongly typed

Q 76:

In Java, ..................... can only test for equality, whereas .................... can evaluate any type of the Boolean expression.

(1) switch, if
(2) continue, if
(3) if, break
(4) if, switch
Correct Answer: switch, if

Q 77: The compiled Java program can run on any ....................... platform having Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed on it.
(1) Program
(2) Non Java
(3) Hardware
(4) Java
Correct Answer: Hardware

Q 78:

What will be output of the following code?

byte x = 64, y;

y = (byte) (x<<2);


(1) 0
(2) 2
(3) 1
(4) 64
Correct Answer: 0

Q 79:

What is the type and value of the following expression? (Notice the integer division)

- 4 + 1/2 + 2* -3 + 5.0

(1) double 4.5
(2) int -5
(3) int -4
(4) double -5.0
Correct Answer: double -5.0

Q 80: Which of these is an incorrect array declaration?
(1) int[] arr = new int[5]
(2) int []arr = new int[5]
(3) int arr[] arr = new int[5]
(4) int arr[] = new int[5]
Correct Answer: int arr[] arr = new int[5]

Q 81: In Java, element of an array are automatically initialized to some default value. What is the default value for the elements of an array of integers?
(1) 0
(2) "0"
(3) 1
(4) Null
Correct Answer: 0

Q 82:

From the following Java code determine the attributes of the class student:

class student


string name;

int marks;


public static void main()


student S1=new student();

student S2=new student();


(1) Only name
(2) Both name and marks
(3) Only S1
(4) Both S1 and S2
Correct Answer: Both name and marks

Q 83:

What is printed by the following code fragment?

int []a = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6};


(1) 6
(2) 5
(3) 7
(4) 8
Correct Answer: 7

Q 84:

Which of the following are legal array declarations?

I.   int[] myScore [];

II.  char[] myChars;

III. int[6]myScores;

(1) I, II
(2) I, III
(3) II, III
(4) All of these
Correct Answer: I, II

Q 85: Which statement does not create an object of class Student {}?
(1) Student s1 = new Student ();
(2) new Student ();
(3) Student S1;
(4) Student ss = new Student ();
Correct Answer: Student S1;

Q 86: For a program with large numbers of inserts and deletes, it is better to use the ..........................
(1) Array
(2) ArrayList
(3) Linked List
(4) Stack
Correct Answer: Linked List

Q 87:

Which is the output of this code?

List<String> list = new







(1) a
(2) c
(3) b
(4) abc
Correct Answer: a

Q 88: Which class can be used for reading files?
(1) ArrayList
(2) HashMap
(3) Scanner
(4) Set
Correct Answer: Scanner

Q 89: Which of the following is FALSE about arrays on Java?
(1) Arrays in Java are always allocated on heap
(2) Length of array can be changed after creation of array
(3) A Java array is always an object
(4) None of these
Correct Answer: Length of array can be changed after creation of array

Q 90:

Find the output of the following Java code line 


(1) -7
(2) -8
(3) -7.4
(4) -7.0
Correct Answer: -8

Q 91:

What is the output of the following code?

int f=1, i=2;




(1) 2
(2) 3
(3) 12
(4) 60
Correct Answer: 12

Q 92: Type IV JDBC driver is a driver
(1) Which requires an intermediate layer
(2) Which is written in C++
(3) Which communicates through Java sockets
(4) Which translate JDBC function calls into API not native to DBMS
Correct Answer: Which communicates through Java sockets

Q 93: The process of subdividing a computer program into separate sub programs is known as
(1) Modular programming
(2) Object-oriented programming
(3) Object-based programming
(4) Event-driven programming
Correct Answer: Modular programming

Q 94: Which of the following Programming technique do not support inheritance and dynamic binding?
(1) Event-Driven
(2) Object-based
(3) Object-Oriented
(4) Procedure-Oriented
Correct Answer: Object-based

Q 95: In Visual Basic .................. is the extension to represent project file.
(1) .frm
(2) .vbp
(3) .cls
(4) .vb
Correct Answer: .vbp

Q 96: In Visual Basic, a variable name cannot be more than ...................... characters.
(1) 255
(2) 355
(3) 300
(4) 200
Correct Answer: 255

Q 97: The Boolean data type :
(1) has two states
(2) is unsigned
(3) is displayed by the program as yes or no
(4) Both (a) and (b)
Correct Answer: Both (a) and (b)

Q 98: Which symbol creates an access key in the next of a menu item?
(1) %
(2) &
(3) $
(4) @
Correct Answer: &

Q 99: In ..................., we can write code.
(1) Locals window
(3) Code Editor window
(4) None of these
Correct Answer: Code Editor window

Q 100: In Visual Basic, the declaration of variables is done by ...................... Keyword.
(1) Declare
(2) Dim
(3) Static
(4) Int
Correct Answer: Dim