Daily Exam Programmer 22-08-2024

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Q 1: What method are fired during the page load?
(1) Unload()
(2) PreRender()
(3) Load()
(4) All of the above
Correct Answer: PreRender()

Q 2: Which method must be defined by a class implementing the java.lang.Runnable interface?
(1) void run()
(2) public void run()
(3) public void start()
(4) void run (int priority)
Correct Answer: public void run()

Q 3: If Class A extends Class B, then
(1) Class B is a base class
(2) Class B is a sub-class
(3) Class B is a derrived class
(4) Class A is Super class
Correct Answer: Class B is a base class

Q 4: The extends keyword creates a new
(1) Instance
(2) Subclass
(3) Baseclass
(4) Superclass
Correct Answer: Subclass

Q 5: Which is known as compound assignment operator
(1) =
(2) +
(3) +=
(4) =+
Correct Answer: +=

Q 6: Which option allow you to create new threads?
(1) extend the Thread class
(2) handle exceptions
(3) implement Runnable
(4) Both 1 and 3
Correct Answer: Both 1 and 3

Q 7: A class whose object cannot be created is know as................
(1) Bead class
(2) Absurd class
(3) Super class
(4) Abstract class
Correct Answer: Abstract class

Q 8: We can manage states in asp.net application using
(1) Session Objects
(2) Application Object
(3) Viewstate
(4) All of the above
Correct Answer: All of the above

Q 9: ................ is a set of instructions provided to a computer system to perform a specific task
(1) Pseudo Code
(2) Steps
(3) Program
(4) Algorithm
Correct Answer: Program

Q 10:

Which of the following is the default scripting language of ASP?

(1) VBScript
(2) JavaScript
(3) C#
(4) XML
Correct Answer: VBScript