Daily Exam Programmer 17-08-2024

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Q 1: Routers communicate with each other and forward the packets base on.............
(1) MAC
(2) IP Address
(3) Host Name
(4) Neighbour table
Correct Answer: IP Address

Q 2: A schema describes:
(1) Data elements
(2) Records and fiels
(3) Record relationship
(4) All of the above
Correct Answer: All of the above

Q 3: In RDBMS, relationship between tables are created by using
(1) Composite keys
(2) Foreign keys
(3) Candidate keys
(4) Local keys
Correct Answer: Foreign keys

Q 4: With A= False and B= True, which statement evaluates as True?
(1) A AND A
(2) A AND B
(3) B AND B
(4) none are true
Correct Answer: B AND B

Q 5: Class members of a class in C++ program are by default
(1) Public
(2) Protected
(3) Private
(4) Global
Correct Answer: Private

Q 6:

What will be the result of attempting to compile the following program?
public class MyClass {
long var;
public void MyClass(long param) { var = param; }

public static void main(String[] args) {
MyClass a,b;
a = new MyClass();              //(2)
b = new MyClass(5);         //(3)


(1) A compilation error will occur at (1). since constructors cannot specify a return value
(2) A compilation error will occur at (2), since the class does not have a default constructor
(3) A compilation error will occur at (3), since the class does not have a constructor which takes one argument of type int
(4) The program will compile correctly
Correct Answer: A compilation error will occur at (3), since the class does not have a constructor which takes one argument of type int

Q 7: Java compiler javac translates java source code into...........
(1) Assembler language
(2) Byte code
(3) Bit code
(4) Machine code
Correct Answer: Byte code

Q 8: Which model is simplest model in software development
(1) Waterfall
(2) Iterative
(3) Prototyping
(4) None of these
Correct Answer: Waterfall

Q 9: Which of the following software engineering concept does Ada language support?
(1) Information hiding
(2) Generic
(3) Abstraction
(4) All of the above
Correct Answer: All of the above

Q 10: What does CASE Tool Mean:
(1) Toll used for analysis and design only
(2) Any computer based tool for software planning, development and evolution
(3) Any tool used for case study only
(4) Tools for testing the software
Correct Answer: Any computer based tool for software planning, development and evolution