Daily Exam Programmer 15-08-2024

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Q 1: Which of the following is not an operator in Java?
(1) new
(2) sizeof
(3) instanceof
(4) >>>=
Correct Answer: sizeof

Q 2: In java, when we implement an interface method it must be declared as:
(1) Friend
(2) Protected
(3) Public
(4) Private
Correct Answer: Public

Q 3: ......... is passed to a method by use of call by reference
(1) Methods
(2) Objects
(3) Variables
(4) Operators
Correct Answer: Objects

Q 4: A top down approach is also known as
(1) stepwise design
(2) top-up
(3) top to top design
(4) down to top design
Correct Answer: stepwise design

Q 5: When you run an applet, which of the following is invoked first?
(1) The init method
(2) The applet's default constructor
(3) The stop method
(4) Start method
Correct Answer: The applet's default constructor

Q 6: Web methods are part of
(1) Web services
(2) Web site
(3) Web application
(4) WPF application
Correct Answer: Web services

Q 7: Mccabe's cyclomatic metric V(G) of a graph G with n vertices, e edges and p connected component is
(1) e
(2) n
(3) e-n+p
(4) e-n+2p
Correct Answer: e-n+2p

Q 8: Which of the model is used for system components?
(1) PERT chart
(2) Gantt chart
(3) CPM
(4) DFD
Correct Answer: DFD

Q 9: Which is not an umbrella activity under Software Engineering?
(1) Software quality assurance
(2) Software configuration management
(3) Document preparation and production
(4) Software encryption
Correct Answer: Software encryption

Q 10: The layer corresponds to the physical layer of the OSI model
(1) section
(2) line
(3) path
(4) photonic
Correct Answer: photonic