Daily Exam Programmer 13-08-2024

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Q 1: In object oriented design of software objects have........
(1) Operations
(2) Attributes
(3) all
(4) none
Correct Answer: all

Q 2: Which of the following is a tool in design phase
(1) Refinement
(2) Abstration
(3) Information hiding
(4) All
Correct Answer: All

Q 3: C++ approachi s
(1) bottom up
(2) Top down
(3) both bottom up and top down
(4) none
Correct Answer: bottom up

Q 4: AWT stands for
(1) Advanced windowing tool kit
(2) Abstract Windowing Term Kit
(3) Abstract Windowing Tool Kit
(4) Applet Window Tool Kit
Correct Answer: Abstract Windowing Tool Kit

Q 5: Which of the following features is available in JAVA
(1) Applets
(2) Swings
(3) Both applets and swings
(4) None
Correct Answer: Both applets and swings

Q 6: A package is collection of
(1) Classes
(2) Interfaces
(3) Editing tools
(4) Classes and Interfaces
Correct Answer: Classes and Interfaces

Q 7: .............. class is built into the VB framework to display message an accept input form user.
(1) DisplayBox
(2) Interaction
(3) InputBox
(4) MsgBox
Correct Answer: Interaction

Q 8: Recovery in a distributed DBMS is achieved using
(1) Commit Protocol
(2) Revoke Protocol
(3) Un-Commit Protocol
(4) None
Correct Answer: Commit Protocol

Q 9: If a transaction has obtained a.. lock, it can both read and write on the item
(1) Shared mode
(2) Exclusive mode
(3) Read only mode
(4) Write only mode
Correct Answer: Exclusive mode

Q 10: DNS client is also known as
(1) DNS updater
(2) DNS resolver
(3) DNS handler
(4) None
Correct Answer: DNS resolver