Daily Exam Programmer 10-08-2024

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Q 1: Which of the following concept is applicable with respect to 2NF?
(1) Full functional dependency
(2) Partial dependency
(3) Transitive dependency
(4) Data Independency
Correct Answer: Full functional dependency

Q 2: In an SQL statement which of the following parts states the conditions for row selection?
(1) Select
(2) From
(3) Order By
(4) where
Correct Answer: where

Q 3: The All-or-none property is comminly referred to as
(1) Atomicity
(2) Durability
(3) Isolation
(4) None
Correct Answer: Isolation

Q 4: In SQL, 10/NULL sill evalute to
(1) False
(2) 10
(3) NULL
(4) -1
Correct Answer: NULL

Q 5: If you wanted to delete the configuration stored in NVRAM, what would you type?
(1) erase startup
(2) erase nvram
(3) delete nvram
(4) erase running
Correct Answer: erase startup

Q 6:

World Wide Web consortium was founded in 1994 by

(1) Tim Berners
(2) Bill Gates
(3) Stephen Jobs
(4) Tim Kbarno
Correct Answer: Tim Berners

Q 7: What is the term for two modem establishing communications with each other?
(1) Handshaking
(2) SYncing
(3) Pinging
(4) Linking
Correct Answer: Handshaking

Q 8: FTP is built on
(1) Service oriented architecture
(2) Data centric architecture
(3) Client/server architecture
(4) None
Correct Answer: Client/server architecture

Q 9: Error detection at the data link level is achieved by
(1) Bit stuffing
(2) Cyclic redundancy codes
(3) Hamming Codes
(4) Equalization
Correct Answer: Cyclic redundancy codes

Q 10: Block coding can help in .......... at the receiver
(1) Synchronization
(2) Error detection
(3) Attenuation
(4) Synchronization and Error detection
Correct Answer: Synchronization and Error detection