Daily Exam Programmer 05-08-2024

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Q 1: Design phase will usually be
(1) top down
(2) bottom up
(3) center fringing
(4) random
Correct Answer: top down

Q 2: Which symbol is used to represent protected visibility in UML
(1) +
(2) -
(3) @
(4) #
Correct Answer: #

Q 3: Which term is used to describe user's view of data item types and record types?
(1) schema
(2) view
(3) subschema
(4) instance
Correct Answer: subschema

Q 4: The IEEE 802.11g, uses....................
(1) FHSS
(2) DSSS
(3) OFDM
(4) none
Correct Answer: OFDM

Q 5: Which is not a symmetric key algorithm
(1) SHA-2
(2) AES
(3) Triple DES
(4) DES
Correct Answer: SHA-2

Q 6: In 3G network, W-CDMA is also known as UMTS. The minimum spectrum allocation required for W-CDMA is:
(1) 2 MHz
(2) 20 KHZ
(3) 5 KHz
(4) 5 MHz
Correct Answer: 5 MHz

Q 7: Which normal form is considered adequate for relational database design?
(1) 4NF
(2) 3NF
(3) 2NF
(4) BCNF
Correct Answer: 3NF

Q 8: A transaction completes its execution is said to be
(1) Committed
(2) Aborted
(3) Rolled back
(4) Failed
Correct Answer: Committed

Q 9: A process that involves recognizing and focusing on the important characteristics of a situation or object is known as:
(1) Encapsulation
(2) Polymorphism
(3) Abstration
(4) Inheritance
Correct Answer: Abstration

Q 10: KPA in CMM stands for
(1) Key Process Area
(2) Key product AREA
(3) Key Principal Area
(4) Key Performance Area
Correct Answer: Key Process Area