Daily Exam Programmer 04-08-2024

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Q 1:

Weak entity in the following ER diagram is

(1) Loan
(2) Loan payment
(3) Payment
(4) Both Loan Payment and Payment
Correct Answer: Payment

Q 2: The most widely used conceptual model is the....................
(1) E-R model
(2) Chen Model
(3) External model
(4) Attribute model
Correct Answer: E-R model

Q 3: Which of the following methods cannot be used to specify a comment in SQL * Plus scripts?
(1) ...
(2) Remark
(3) /*....*/
(4) None
Correct Answer: None

Q 4: Data Encryption standard (DES) encrypts data in block size of ...........bits each
(1) 64
(2) 128
(3) 32
(4) 56
Correct Answer: 64

Q 5: Network layer firewall works as a
(1) frame filter
(2) packet fileter
(3) both
(4) none
Correct Answer: packet fileter

Q 6: In the ....... mode, the IPSec header is added between the IP header and the rest of the packet
(1) transport
(2) tunnel
(3) transition
(4) None
Correct Answer: transport

Q 7: A desirable property of module is
(1) independency
(2) low cohensiveness
(3) high coupling
(4) multi-functional
Correct Answer: independency

Q 8: ...... was designed as an alternative to the T-1 line
(1) VDSL
(2) ADSL
(3) SDSL
(4) HDSL
Correct Answer: HDSL

Q 9: Which of the following represent the capabilities which will be provided to actors by the system
(1) Use Cases
(2) Objects
(3) States
(4) Classes
Correct Answer: Use Cases

Q 10: The 4GT model is package of.............
(1) Case tools
(2) Software tools
(3) Both
(4) None
Correct Answer: Software tools