Daily Exam Programmer 24-07-2024

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Q 1: Verification is
(1) Checking the product with respect to customer's expectation
(2) Checking the product with respect to specification
(3) Checking the product with respect to the constraints of the project
(4) All
Correct Answer: Checking the product with respect to specification

Q 2: SONET is a ........... TDM system
(1) asynchronous
(2) synchronous
(3) statistical
(4) none
Correct Answer: synchronous

Q 3: A code is useful to represent a key field because
(1) It is a concise representation of the field
(2) It is usually done by all
(3) It is generally a good idea
(4) It is needed in database design
Correct Answer: It is a concise representation of the field

Q 4: Bus, Ring and Start typologies mostly used in the
(1) LAN
(2) MAN
(3) WAN
(4) internetwork
Correct Answer: LAN

Q 5: 5NF is designed to cope with:
(1) Transitive dependency
(2) Join dependency
(3) Multi valued dependency
(4) All
Correct Answer: Join dependency

Q 6: What is the maximum achievable channel utilization for Go-Back-N
(1) 1.48%`
(2) 2.95%`
(3) 0.18%
(4) 2.78%
Correct Answer: 2.78%

Q 7: Which one of the following sorts rows in SQL
Correct Answer: ORDER BY

Q 8:

Which is a DCL command?

(1) Grant
(2) Commit
(3) Update
(4) Rollback
Correct Answer: Grant

Q 9: Which one of the following address space does not allocate 8k memory?
(1) 1000-2FFF
(2) 5000-6FFF
(3) 5000-5FFF
(4) 6000-7FFF
Correct Answer: 5000-5FFF

Q 10: In a data link protocol the frame delimiter flag is given by 0111. Assuming that bit stuffing is employed the transmitter sends the data sequence 01110110 as
(1) 0110101110
(2) 0110101100
(3) 0111011000
(4) 0110101111
Correct Answer: 0110101100