Daily Exam Programmer 20-07-2024

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Q 1: A subschema expresses
(1) the logical view
(2) the physical view
(3) the external view
(4) All
Correct Answer: the external view

Q 2: Index sequential file is made of all of these expect
(1) Primary data storage area
(2) Overflow area
(3) Hierarchy of indices
(4) Address of prime data track
Correct Answer: Address of prime data track

Q 3: The following device is used to join different kinds of networks at data link layer
(1) Repeater
(2) Gateway
(3) Router
(4) Bridge
Correct Answer: Bridge

Q 4: In Ethernet when Manchester Encoding is used bit rate is:
(1) Half the baud rate
(2) Twice the baud rate
(3) Same as the baud rate
(4) None
Correct Answer: Half the baud rate

Q 5: How may bits are in Ethernet address?
(1) 32
(2) 16
(3) 64
(4) 48
Correct Answer: 48

Q 6: The first network was
Correct Answer: ARPANET

Q 7: The X.25 standard specifies a
(1) Technique for dial access
(2) Data bit rate
(3) Technique for start-stop data
(4) DTE/DCE interface
Correct Answer: DTE/DCE interface

Q 8: Which of the following is not a service primitive
(1) Send
(2) Listen
(3) Connect
(4) Sound
Correct Answer: Sound

Q 9: What is flow control
(1) To find the best route to a destination
(2) To be able to send a beacon message when congestion occurs.
(3) To determine which transmits packets on the wire on a given instance.
(4) To keep the transmitting device from transmitting no faster than the receiving device can receive.
Correct Answer: To keep the transmitting device from transmitting no faster than the receiving device can receive.

Q 10: The minimum frame length for 10-Mbps Ethernet is .................. bytes
(1) 32
(2) 80
(3) 128
(4) none
Correct Answer: none