Daily Exam Programmer Revision Exam (15-07-2024)

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Q 1: किस दुर्ग का सबसे उंचा भाग मिरान साहब की दरगाह कहलाता है
(1) रणथम्भोर
(2) तारागढ़ (अजमेर )
(3) तारागढ़ (बूंदी)
(4) जूनागढ़
Correct Answer: तारागढ़ (अजमेर )

Q 2: चित्तोडगढ का कुम्भ स्वामी मंदिर किस देवता को समर्पित है
(1) सूर्य
(2) शिव
(3) विष्णु
(4) भैरवनाथ
Correct Answer: विष्णु

Q 3: तरुण राजस्थान समाचार पत्र के व्यवस्थापक थे
(1) जयनारायण व्यास
(2) अर्जुनलाल सेठी
(3) माणिक्यलाल कोठारी
(4) सागरमल
Correct Answer: जयनारायण व्यास

Q 4: किस शहर के किले में जयबाण या जयवान तोप को रखा गया है
(1) जैसलमेर
(2) जयपुर
(3) जोधपुर
(4) बीकानेर
Correct Answer: जयपुर

Q 5: सही सुमेलित नहीं है
(1) सज्जनगढ़ - उदयपुर
(2) नाहरगढ़ - अजमेर
(3) मेहरानगढ़ - जयपुर
(4) लोहागढ़ - भरतपुर
Correct Answer: नाहरगढ़ - अजमेर

Q 6: शाहपुरा (भीलवाडा) में जिस सम्प्रदाय की पीठ स्थित है वह है
(1) दादू
(2) वल्लभ
(3) निम्बार्क
(4) रामस्नेही
Correct Answer: रामस्नेही

Q 7: वागड़ के परमार राजवंश की राजधानी कहा थी
(1) चन्द्रावती
(2) अर्थुणा
(3) मालव
(4) जालौर
Correct Answer: अर्थुणा

Q 8: मत्स्य संघ में नहीं था
(1) अलवर
(2) भरतपुर
(3) जयपुर
(4) धोलपुर
Correct Answer: जयपुर

Q 9: अजरक प्रिंट सम्बंधित है
(1) सांगानेर
(2) बगरू
(3) बाड़मेर
(4) पाली
Correct Answer: बाड़मेर

Q 10: राजस्थान में मेवानगर प्रसिद्द है
(1) पार्श्वनाथ जैन मंदिर के लिए
(2) सूखे मेवो के लिए
(3) जीरे के उत्पादन के लिए
(4) कठपुतली मदों के निर्यात के लिए
Correct Answer: पार्श्वनाथ जैन मंदिर के लिए

Q 11: बादला क्या है
(1) ग्रामीण भाषा का शब्द
(2) प्लास्टिक से निर्मित बोतल
(3) जिंक से निर्मित पानी की बोतल
(4) मारवाड़ी और मेवाड़ी का मिश्रित शब्द
Correct Answer: जिंक से निर्मित पानी की बोतल

Q 12: आजादी से पूर्व नॉन सेल्यूट स्टेट ठिकाने कौन से थे
(1) लावा
(2) कुशलगढ़
(3) नीमराना
(4) सभी
Correct Answer: सभी

Q 13: पुष्कर मेला किस माह में लगता है
(1) सितम्बर
(2) नवम्बर
(3) फ़रवरी
(4) मार्च
Correct Answer: नवम्बर

Q 14: किलों के निम्न जोड़ो में से किसे तारागढ़ किलो के नाम से जाना जाता है
(1) बूंदी व अजमेरु
(2) अजमेरु दुर्ग व भटनेर
(3) बूंदी व रणथम्भोर
(4) चित्तोडगढ व कुम्भलगढ़
Correct Answer: बूंदी व अजमेरु

Q 15: मुग़ल, यूरोपीय एवं राजपूत स्थापत्य कला में निर्मित मुबारक महल है
(1) टोंक में
(2) जयपुर में
(3) अजमेर
(4) झालावाड में
Correct Answer: जयपुर में

Q 16: मेवाड़ के मगरा क्षेत्र के भीलों के कालाजी है
(1) केसरियानाथ जी
(2) ऋषभदेव जी
(3) आदिनाथ जी
(4) सभी
Correct Answer: सभी

Q 17: राजस्थान के प्रथम रेलमार्ग को किस वर्ष खोला गया
(1) 1874
(2) 1853
(3) 1893
(4) 1899
Correct Answer: 1874

Q 18: राज्य में किस स्थान पर काला संगमरमर निकला जाता है
(1) भैंसलाना (जयपुर)
(2) बेणेश्वर (डूंगरपुर)
(3) फलौदी (जोधपुर)
(4) देबारी (उदयपुर)
Correct Answer: भैंसलाना (जयपुर)

Q 19:

दक्षिणी पूर्वी राजस्थान में स्थित भोलोग्लिक प्रदेश जाना जाता है

(1) बांगड़ प्रदेश
(2) माही बेसिन
(3) बनास बेसिन
(4) हाडौती का पठार
Correct Answer: हाडौती का पठार

Q 20: किस संभाग में मक्का सबसे ज्यादा उत्पादन होता है
(1) कोटा
(2) बीकानेर
(3) जोधपुर
(4) उदयपुर
Correct Answer: उदयपुर

Q 21: A copy constructor takes
(1) no argument
(2) one argument
(3) two arguments
(4) arbitary no of arguments
Correct Answer: one argument

Q 22: Tables derived from the ER-Diagram
(1) Are totally normalised
(2) Can be further denormalised
(3) May have multi-valued attributes
(4) Are always in INF
Correct Answer: Are always in INF

Q 23: The relationship between DEPARTMENT and EMPLOYEE is a
(1) One to one relationship
(2) One to many relationship
(3) Many to many relationship
(4) Many to one relationship
Correct Answer: One to many relationship

Q 24: TO test the IP Stack on your local host, which IP address would you ping
Correct Answer:

Q 25: Non-Polling system is
(1) TDMA
(2) Continuous ARQ
(3) Stop and wait
(4) None of these
Correct Answer: TDMA

Q 26: System testing falls within the scope of
(1) White box testing
(2) Black box testing
(3) Both of them
(4) None
Correct Answer: Black box testing

Q 27: How data store is represented in a data flow diagram
(1) Circle
(2) Full open rectangle
(3) Half open rectangle
(4) full open triangle
Correct Answer: Half open rectangle

Q 28: Which of the following is not one of the principles of agile software development method?
(1) Following the plan
(2) Embrace change
(3) Customer involvement
(4) Incremental delivery
Correct Answer: Following the plan

Q 29: Which of the following transfer execution directly to another page
(1) Server.Transfer
(2) Response.Redirect
(3) Server.Transfer & Response.Redirect
(4) none of them
Correct Answer: Server.Transfer

Q 30:

Which two are acceptable types for x?






1. byte
2. long
3. char
4. float
(1) 1 and 3
(2) 2 and 4
(3) 3 and 5
(4) 4 and 6
Correct Answer: 1 and 3

Q 31: Which of the following is true to declare variable for ASP?
(1) Set
(2) Dim
(3) $
(4) Var
Correct Answer: Dim

Q 32:

The java run time system automatically calls this method while garbage collection

(1) finalizer()
(2) finalize()
(3) finally()
(4) finalized()
Correct Answer: finalize()

Q 33: Valid C statement to allocate 20 bytes to an integer pointer P is:
(1) P=(int*) malloc (20)
(2) *P=(int*) malloc (20;)
(3) P=(int*malloc*20)
(4) &P=(int*) malloc (20)
Correct Answer: P=(int*) malloc (20)

Q 34: The most desirable form of coupling is
(1) Control
(2) Data
(3) Common
(4) Content
Correct Answer: Data

Q 35: address lies in which class
(1) A
(2) B
(3) D
(4) E
Correct Answer: A

Q 36: Ethernet when Manchester encoding is used, the bit rate is:
(1) Half the boud rate
(2) Twice the boud rate
(3) Same as the boud rate
(4) None
Correct Answer: Half the boud rate

Q 37: A Trigger can be defined on how many tables
(1) Only one
(2) one of more
(3) one to three
(4) Any number of tables
Correct Answer: Only one

Q 38: The number of addresses in a class C block is.............
(1) 65534
(2) 167777216
(3) 256
(4) None
Correct Answer: 256

Q 39: IGMP is.............. protocol
(1) an error reporting
(2) a group management
(3) a transmission
(4) none
Correct Answer: a group management

Q 40: Which type of condition join should you use if you want to return only matched rows?
(1) Inner join
(2) Left Outer Join
(3) Right Outer Join
(4) Full Outer Join
Correct Answer: Inner join

Q 41:

Which of the following is another name for weak entity

(1) Child
(2) Dominant
(3) Owner
(4) All
Correct Answer: Child

Q 42: Maximum throughput of Pure Aloha is..... of a given load
(1) 36.8%
(2) 26.8%
(3) 18.4%
(4) 46.6%
Correct Answer: 18.4%

Q 43: What is function of router
(1) Packet filtering
(2) Path selection
(3) Packet switching
(4) All of the above
Correct Answer: All of the above

Q 44: If you use either Telnet or FTP, which is the highest layer you are using to transmit data?
(1) Application
(2) Presentation
(3) Session
(4) Transport
Correct Answer: Application

Q 45: Pick the system that can be used in both priority and non-priority modes
(1) TDM and Register insertion
(2) Carrier sense systems and Token passing
(3) TDM and Carrier sense systems
(4) None
Correct Answer: Carrier sense systems and Token passing

Q 46: Which of the following is a necessary part of the IPv6 datagram?
(1) Base header
(2) Extension header
(3) Data Packet from the upper layer
(4) None
Correct Answer: Base header

Q 47: A software design pattern often used to restrict access to an object is:
(1) adapter
(2) decorator
(3) delegation
(4) proxy
Correct Answer: proxy

Q 48: What is the maximum size of query string
(1) 384 bytes
(2) 128 bytes
(3) 255 bytes
(4) 512 bytes
Correct Answer: 255 bytes

Q 49: What is the default authentication mode for IIS?
(1) WIndows
(2) Anonymous
(3) Basic Authentication
(4) None
Correct Answer: Anonymous

Q 50: How to declare a class which has fields that are not serializable?
(1) Public
(2) Priate
(3) Transient
(4) Variant
Correct Answer: Transient

Q 51: Breaking down a large complex procedure into a number of smaller procedures is referred to as
(1) data structures
(2) top down decomposition
(3) structured programming
(4) lists
Correct Answer: top down decomposition

Q 52: E-R modeling technique is a
(1) Top-down approach
(2) Bottom-up approach
(3) Left-right approach
(4) None
Correct Answer: Top-down approach

Q 53: In a Go-Back-N ARQ, if the window size is 63, What is the range of sequence numbers?
(1) 0 to 63
(2) 1 to 63
(3) 0 to 64
(4) 1 to 64
Correct Answer: 0 to 63

Q 54: Web pages are written using
(1) FTP
(2) HTTP
(3) HTML
(4) URL
Correct Answer: HTML

Q 55: RJ45 UTP cable has..........pair cables
(1) 2
(2) 4
(3) 5
(4) 3
Correct Answer: 4

Q 56: The Protocol Data Unit (PDU) ofr the application layer in the internet stack is
(1) Segment
(2) Datagram
(3) Message
(4) Frame
Correct Answer: Message

Q 57: In....forwarding, the mask and destination addresses are both in the routing table
(1) next-hop
(2) network-specific
(3) host-specific
(4) default
Correct Answer: default

Q 58: A plan to overcome the risk called as
(1) Migration Plan
(2) Master Plan
(3) Maintenance plan
(4) Mitigation plan
Correct Answer: Mitigation plan

Q 59: Which of the following component is used to clarify which actor performs which activity in an activity diagram?
(1) forks
(2) joins
(3) swimlanes
(4) state
Correct Answer: swimlanes

Q 60: Problem analysis is done during
(1) System design phase
(2) Before system test
(3) System analysis phase
(4) All
Correct Answer: System analysis phase

Q 61: IGMP is _______ protocol.
(1) an error reporting
(2) a group management
(3) a transmission
(4) None of the above
Correct Answer: a group management

Q 62: Top-down design does not require :
(1) step wise refinement
(2) loop invariants
(3) flow charting
(4) Modularity
Correct Answer: flow charting

Q 63: Which of the following are cursor operations?
(1) OPEN
(4) All of these
Correct Answer: All of these

Q 64: Which of the following is a structure that provides faster access to the rows of a table based on the values of one or more columns?
(1) Table
(2) View
(3) Index
(4) None of the above
Correct Answer: Index

Q 65:

For stop and wait ARQ, for n data packet sent, ............................. acknowledgements are needed.

(1) 2n
(2) n
(3) n-1
(4) n+1
Correct Answer: n-1

Q 66: A ________ LAN allows several LANs to be connected.
(1) backbone
(2) wireless
(3) wired
(4) None of the above
Correct Answer: backbone

Q 67: Top-level problem solving and internal team coordination are managed by a team leader in which approach
(1) Controlled decentralized
(2) Controlled centralized
(3) Partial centralized
(4) Democratic centralized
Correct Answer: Controlled centralized

(1) may Display NULL values
(2) displays NULL values
(3) does not display NULL values
(4) None
Correct Answer: does not display NULL values

Q 69: Firewall are often configured to block
(1) TCP traffice
(2) UDP traffic
(3) Both
(4) None
Correct Answer: UDP traffic

Q 70: Error report is an example of
(1) Process
(2) Output process
(3) Input process
(4) None
Correct Answer: Output process

Q 71: Which of the definition of elements in system a data dictionary contain?
(1) Data flows
(2) Processes
(3) Data stores
(4) All
Correct Answer: All

Q 72: Which command is used to delete all tuples of a table along with structure
(1) Truncate
(2) Drop
(3) Delete
(4) Alter
Correct Answer: Drop

Q 73: How many 8 bit characters can be transmitted per second over a 9600 baud serial communication link using a synchronous mode of transmission with one start bit, eight data bits and one parity bit?
(1) 600
(2) 800
(3) 876
(4) 1200
Correct Answer: 800

Q 74: BSC is a
(1) Character-oriented protocol
(2) Full-duplex protocol
(3) Bit-oriented protocol
(4) None
Correct Answer: Character-oriented protocol

Q 75: Which protocol is used to convert IP addresses to MAC address
(1) In ARP
(2) RARP
(3) IP
(4) ARP
Correct Answer: ARP

Q 76: Which of the following is not category of maintenance?
(1) Corrective
(2) Effective
(3) Adaptive
(4) Perfective
Correct Answer: Effective

Q 77: Which of the following is not a component of CASE tool?
(1) Diagramming Tolls
(2) Code Generators
(3) Information Repository
(4) Debugging Tools
Correct Answer: Debugging Tools

Q 78: Which of the following is used to store movie and image files in the database
(1) Clob
(2) Blob
(3) Binary
(4) Image
Correct Answer: Blob

Q 79: Which of the following relational algebraic operation is not a commutative operation?
(1) Union
(2) Intersection
(3) Selection
(4) Projection
Correct Answer: Projection

Q 80: Signature of a method specifies
(1) Authentication process
(2) Return type, name and number of arguments
(3) Inheritance
(4) About method body
Correct Answer: Return type, name and number of arguments

Q 81: The software equation can be used to show that by extending the project deadline slightly
(1) Fewer people are required
(2) Your are guaranteed to meet the deadline
(3) More lines of code can be produced
(4) None
Correct Answer: Fewer people are required

Q 82: .........are applied throughout the software process
(1) Framework activities
(2) Umbrella activities
(3) Planning activities
(4) Construction activities
Correct Answer: Umbrella activities

Q 83: Not a basic function of automated estimation
(1) Selecting project activities
(2) Predicting software effort
(3) Predicting software cost
(4) Mantenance plan creation
Correct Answer: Mantenance plan creation

Q 84: Which of the following is not a network
(1) WAN
(2) LAN
(3) XAN
(4) MAN
Correct Answer: XAN

Q 85: In an E-R diagram ellipses represent
(1) Relationship among entity sets
(2) Entity sets
(3) Attributes
(4) Link Between attributes and entity sets
Correct Answer: Attributes

Q 86:

What is the highest form of the following relation assuming it already in 1 NF

(1) 2 NF
(2) 3 NF
(3) BCNF
(4) None
Correct Answer: 2 NF

Q 87: The four byte IP address consists of
(1) Neither network nor Host Address
(2) Network Address
(3) Both Network and Host Address
(4) Host Address
Correct Answer: Both Network and Host Address

Q 88: A two-layer switch is a
(1) repeater
(2) bridge
(3) router
(4) none
Correct Answer: bridge

Q 89:

Transaction timestamp is

(1) Not uniuqe for each transaction
(2) Larger for older transaction
(3) Unique idenditier assigned for each transaction
(4) None
Correct Answer: Unique idenditier assigned for each transaction

Q 90:

Which of the following relational calculus expression is not safe?

(1) a
(2) b
(3) c
(4) d
Correct Answer: c

Q 91: The cryptography, order of the letters in a message is rearranged by
(1) transpositional ciphers
(2) substitution ciphers
(3) transpositional ciphers and substitution ciphers
(4) none
Correct Answer: transpositional ciphers

Q 92: Which is not a valid operator in Java?
(1) <>
(2) !=
(3) =>
(4) <=
Correct Answer: <>

Q 93: To prevent any method from overriding, we declare the method  as,
(1) static
(2) const
(3) final
(4) abstract
Correct Answer: final

Q 94: Which switching technology reduces the size of a broadcast domain
(1) ISL
(2) 802.1Q
(3) VLANs
(4) STP
Correct Answer: VLANs

Q 95: The first step in project planning is to
(1) determine the budget
(2) select a team organization model
(3) determine the project constraints
(4) establish the objectives and scope
Correct Answer: establish the objectives and scope

Q 96: One of the advantages of a relational database model is
(1) Structural dependence
(2) Conceptual complexity
(3) Complex database design
(4) Easier database design
Correct Answer: Easier database design

Q 97: The first section of a URL identifier is the
(1) Protocol
(2) path
(3) host
(4) port
Correct Answer: Protocol

Q 98: How many methods are defined in the serializable interface
(1) One
(2) Two
(3) None
(4) Four
Correct Answer: None

Q 99:

Database table by name Loan_Records is given below

(1) 3
(2) 9
(3) 5
(4) 6
Correct Answer: 5

Q 100: Data duplication leads to
(1) Data copies
(2) Data inconsistency
(3) Data error
(4) Data redundancy
Correct Answer: Data inconsistency